AIELO DE MALFERIT Cradle of Nino Bravo
With more than 4,600 inhabitants, Ayelo de Malferit is known worldwide for two reasons: first, to be the birthplace of one of the most important voices in the history of Hispanic music, Nino Bravo. And the second, because in its Liquor Factory, according to legend, the formula of the world famous Coca-cola was invented. Two reasons more than enough because you approach this town of the Vall d'Albaida and know it. But in addition to knowing the figure of Nino Bravo and the origin of Coca-Cola, we also invite you to make a stop at Ayelo de Malferit and let yourself be carried away by the imposing Palau de Malherido.
We have given you three good reasons to visit Aielo if you have not already done so, but surely you will discover more. HISTORY With the Aragonese Reconquest we find the first written document about Ayelo: El Llibre de Repartiment de Valencia. In it we can see how King Jaime I in 1248 gave to Fr. A. Vacher and R. Gallach the lands of the farms of Cayren, Pursonex, Ayello, Zihueva and Hafif, being subjected to vassalage. In 1445 the lords of Malferit take possession of Ayelo under the privilege granted by Alfonso V the Magnanimous. Thus the Malferit take for themselves and their successors the civil and criminal jurisdiction of Aielo. At that time Aielo stood out and the other farms lost their importance.
The concentration of the population occurs in the southern part of the term, probably due to the greater availability of water resources as it is near the Clariano River. The population was Moorish and in 1563, in fulfillment of the Pragmatics of Felipe II, is ordered a general disarmament of the inhabitants carrying out a registry of all the houses of the place. In 1609, the General Order of expulsion of the Moorish was dictated and town was left uninhabited. In 1611, Lucas de Malferit dictated the “Carta Puebla”, which included very harsh conditions, reestablishing the socio-feudal relationship of the peasant with the lord. The lawsuits of the neighbors against the Marquis de Malferit were numerous especially those of 1792 and 1800 against Salvador Roca Pertusa that practically were unsuccessful in great part of its objectives. With the decree of abolition of the lordships (1811) they stop paying rents to the manors and eliminates royalties.But this situation ended with the arrival of Fernando VII to the power. In 1837, the new liberal Constitution collects abolitionist rights, and sentences are produced between the Town Hall and the lord until 1858, the year when is declared the town of Ayelo de Malferit and its terms are restituted to the Realengo.