
Altitude (m): 160
Population: 180
Surface (km2): 2
Postal Code: 46839
Demonym: benissuerà, benissuerana

BENISSUERA The hidden treasure of the Valley.

They say that it is a small town, very hidden, to which you have to go. But it is much more. Benissuera is a small jewel of the Vall d'Albaida region, which has a Cultural Interest Site rich in heritage and history. If you visit Benissuera you can enjoy one of its most important attractions, the Palau de los Bellvís. But it is not the only one, because you can not miss its festivities in honor to San Antonio Abadits route through the Pueblos del Riu (The River Villages). Undoubtedly, three good reasons to visit Benisuera, if you have not already done so.

It is a place of Muslim origin. In the fifteenth century it was owned by the Bellvís family and the manor depended on Bélgida. Later it belonged to the Counts of Casal. so many places in Valencia, the expulsion of the Moors in 1609 severely affected their demography, which was recovered in the eighteenth century to descend again the last century due to the emigration to other towns in the region. The toponym Benissuera must be related to an Arabic etymology. But as it usually happens, it is not completely clear. It should be interpreted as a person's namefemale nickname. Asín Palacios proposes an interpretation, collected by Alcover-Muelle, "bani.zu'aira", that is: the descendants of the beautiful. Despite this, another interpretation has been proposed recently, very peculiar: the descendants of Floreta.

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