Castelló de Rugat

Altitude (m): 320
Population: 2297
Surface (km2): 19
Postal Code: 46841
Demonym: castellonenc, castellonenca

 CASTELLO DE RUGAT The inheritance of mud

In the middle of a white valley, where clarity predominates, a village poses the color note to the region. Castelló de Rugat and its red and clayey land, has made of this condition a way of life. Thus, Castelló made, first of the pottery, and later of the tile industry , its main source of income. The production of jars was so important for this town of the Albaida Valley ,that it even changed its name to be called Castelló de las Jarras. (Castelló of the Pottery) .Now, many years later, this passionate color that permeates the lands of the people of Castellón is one of the reasons to visit this town . But, along with the inheritance of the mud, also stands out in Castelló de Rugat the hermitage of Sant Antoni and its celebration, and the street Canyeta. Three reasons why you should not stop visiting this town, if you have not already done so.


The first testimonies of occupation of the territory that today conforms Castellón de Rugat are in the caves of Llopis and of Pany, dated in the eneolithic period. Also, were found rests of this culture in several points of the term of Ofra, the Planet, the Lloseta, etc. Testimonies of the Valencian Bronze Age are the villages found in the Buitrera, l’Algebassó and the Penya Blanca. About the Roman time, deposits have been found throughout the whole term, emphasizing by the great quantity and diversity of rests, the recent finding of a Roman villa in the heading of Ofra as well as those realized in the Lauro. Other deposits of this period can be found in the “Xarxet”, “Marxillent”, “Camí Llutxent”, etc.The reconquest of this territory carried out by the King Jaime I of Aragon was not easy for the hard resistance opposed in this zone by the Muslim leader Al Azraq causing even several casualties among the Knights of the King. Once achieved by the Christians this territory, happened to form part of the Barony of Rugat, granted to the Lords of Bellvís until the year 1499 when was acquired by the Duke of Gandía, happening to form part of the states of the Dukes, that even maintained in the town a palace , of which some remains of the building are conserved. The inhabitants of Castellón, that from then, was denominated of the Duke, were in the majority Moors. Therefore, when Felipe III ordered the expulsion of the Moors, in 1609, Castellón remained practically depopulated. The Duke of Gandía, Carlos de Borja and Centelles, wrote, in 1611, a People's Charter by which the donation of the possessions left by the moriscos would be governed and the conditions that the new settlers will have to fulfill with the Duke, enduring this relation of Lord and vassals until the abolition of the manors, promulgated by the Courts of Cádiz in 1812.

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