El Ràfol de Salem

Altitude (m): 295
Population: 425
Surface (km2): 4
Postal Code: 46843
Demonym: rafolí, rafolina

EL RAFOL DE SALEM The clay workshop

From its school came the current Minister of Justice of the Generalitat Valenciana and former spokesperson of the General Council of the Judiciary, Gabriela Bravo. In her childhood, Salomé, winner of Eurovision with 'Vivo cantando' ran through its streets. Ráfol de Salem may be a town not very big, but with great charm. The brick and jars industry and agriculture have been the means of survival of this town that combines appreciation for nature with devotion to its saints, San Blai and the Divine Savior. But to guide your visit, we highlight its most relevant features: its poet Salvador Jàfer and Sanxis, the old oil mill and the ascent to the summit of Benicadell. Only three of the many reasons to visit Ráfol de Salem.


The lands where the Rafol de Salem is located have been inhabited since prehistory as evidenced by various ceramic remains found in the sierra (mountain range) of Rafol. But as a town it has its origin in the time of Muslim domination, because of the type of land that was there: Clay. The place was named the clay workshop that in Arabic was known as Raf-al-giz and the Rafalgeps Christians.

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