La Pobla del Duc

Altitude (m): 243
Population: 2547
Surface (km2): 18
Postal Code: 46840
Demonym: poblà, poblana

LA POBLA DEL DUC War Patrimony

Today we know it as La Pobla del Duc but, over time, this town of the Albaida Valley, known for its agricultural tradition, has had several toponymic names. The first of them all seems that it was Vilanova de Rugat in 1273, and then Francavila de RugatPuebla de Rugat, until evolving to the current name. Culture, architecture and history invite you to stroll through its historic center, which reflects an evolution marked mainly by the economic changes of the territory. For its value and relevance, we highlight only three reasons why you visit La Pobla del Duc: the military anti-aircraft shelters, the Trade Fair and La Penyeta. Three compelling reasons to get closer to discover this location if you have not already done so.


About its origin is known that there were alqueries founded and inhabited by Muslims and that after the conquest of King Jaume I of Aragon in the mid-thirteenth century, this king granted a new foundation, handing over to the Lord of Bellvís, feudal lord who then he managed these lands, the so-called Carta puebla for the foundation of a new urban center recognized by the Kingdom of Valencia. Later, this manor, gives this possession to the Dukes of Gandia, more specifically to the Dukes of Borja and hence its current name.


Since a few years ago the vineyard was the main and almost the only economic support of this population. But over time and the demands of the market now much of the ground is dedicated to summer fruit trees, such as plum, peaches, apricot and persimmon. The industrial sector has seen a large growth in recent years, I still feel less important than agri-food activities.

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