Museu del Tèxtil Valencià - Ontinyent

Phone: 962916090
Address: Carrer del Músic Úbeda 6, 46870 Ontinyent
Open holidays: No

Get to know the textile industrial heritage of Ontinyent and the Vall d'Albaida region from the hand of Textile Museum of the Valencian Community.
The Museum, located in an old textile factory, on the banks of the Clariano River, offers a tour about the history, elaboration and production of fabrics in an artisanal way, exhibiting pieces dating from the 18th century to the present days.
At the same time and complementing the Museum, it is recommended to do the Ruta dels Molins del Barranc dels Tarongers d'Ontinyent-Barranc de la Fos de Bocairent and the Industrial Route of the Chimneys in Ontinyent.
The Museum's opening hours are from Thursday to Sunday from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Guided tours can be done by reservation.

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Phone: 962916090
Address: Carrer del Músic Úbeda 6, 46870 Ontinyent
Open holidays: No