Palau – Castell de Malferit - Aielo de Malferit

Phone: 962363010
Address: Plaça del Palau, 1, 46812 Aielo de Malferit, València, España
Open holidays: Yes

Declared a Property of Cultural Interest, it dates from the 15th century with the arrival of the lords of Malferit having a residential and defensive utility. Since its construction, the palace has suffered numerous renovations. The one made in the eighteenth century significantly affected its structure, transforming it into a palace to the taste of the time. After its rehabilitation, it became the seat of the City Council. Note the vertical sun clock located in the Palace Square, probably of the nineteenth century, decorated in low relief of plaster.

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Phone: 962363010
Address: Plaça del Palau, 1, 46812 Aielo de Malferit, València, España
Open holidays: Yes