Parish Church of San Miguel Arcángel - Salem

Phone: ---
Address: Plaça Major
Email: ---
Open holidays: Yes

The parochial church of San Miguel, however, is the most important building in the local heritage. Although it still retains some of the previous temple wall, such as a half-timbered door (17th century), the building responds to the concept conceived by friar Vicent Cuenca. This monk was one of the most important architects of Xàtiva in 1800. The original plant is preserved framed on the stairs of the town hall. The work was completed in 1820, as shown in the tins of the main door. The result was a classicist work, much of the taste of the time, with a Latin cross plant and 6 side altars. The bell tower presents an austere decoration, with eight smooth pilasters and chapiters.

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Phone: ---
Address: Plaça Major
Email: ---
Open holidays: Yes