
Altitude (m): 224
Population: 2378
Surface (km2): 43
Postal Code: 46837
Demonym: quatretondí, quatretondina

QUATRETONDA  Gastronomic crafts

Above a tozal is located the tenth population in number of inhabitants of our region, Quatretonda. Located between the Barranco de las Fontetes on the one hand, and the Acequia on the other, the town protects its most valued heritage: the sierra. A land of farmers, beekeepers, fungi and endemic protected species, Quatretonda produces a large number of products in an artisanal way, a fact that gives it a unique flavor that deserves to be tested as you pass through the town. From the 'bridal kisses', to the homemade sausage, going through the 'cristines' and bread, what is now known as 'artesanal' and is back in fashion, has been practiced for centuries in Quatretonda. A treasure to discover in the Valley and that we want to recommend you, especially for three reasons: its mountains, the tradition of artisan cheesemaking and cheese making. These are three reasons to visit Quatretonda, but surely with your visit you will discover many more.


Quatretonda, finds its historical roots "documented" from the Christian conquest of the thirteenth century, commonly known as the Reconquista. It is, therefore, in the Llibre del Repartiment where we find the first source that speaks of this population, more concretely the settlement  no. 1975 that refers to the donations made by the monarch Jaime I in terms of Luchente to: Pasqual d'Opte and Domènec de Moia, and twenty settler more , all in the farms called Quartonda and Vinuvayra 7 May 1248. Antecedents to this stage it is necessary to look for them in the toponymy and archeology, thus diverse authors have spoken of the Iberian component of the name Cuatretonda, others, however, they have located it in Roman time. However, from prehistoric times bronze and Iberian deposits have been found in the departures of the Castellarets, Mahiques and Nul·les, as well as Roman remains in Simona and Sant Martí. The thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth centuries signify the settlement stage of the new Christian population, within the territorial framework known as Baronía de Luchente, of which Cuatretonda becomes part of it as a street. With the sixteenth century Cuatretonda lives one of the key moments of its history, when it was erected in a new town by privilege attained by King Felipe I of Spain, who declared it legally and territorially independent, thanks, above all, to economic and demographic growth. From this moment the new village will play a determining role in the Barony of Luchente, a stately framework that will last until the nineteenth century when, with the demise of the Old Regime, Cuatretonda becomes a territorial unit, since in the term that until then only included the lands of the plain, will be united now (with the disentailment process) in an economic, natural and historical patrimony of great value (the Mountain range), from which will settle the progress of the population throughout the twentieth century.

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Altitude (m): 224
Population: 2378
Surface (km2): 43
Postal Code: 46837
Demonym: quatretondí, quatretondina