Straw Almond - Carrícola

Phone: ---
Address: Carrícola 46869 Valencia
Email: ---
Open holidays: No

Education center and environmental interpretation located at the foot of the Protected Landscape of the Ombria of Benicadell. The Ametla de palla is a place to acquire knowledge in order to live in a sustainable way. Built in 2005 by the volunteers of CEVA, and the support of the Town Council of Carrícola. In the Ametla we will love our environment through the fauna, the flora, the ecological agriculture and the architectural heritage. Another aspect is the recovery of techniques of traditional work, using natural elements such as wood, stone, and straw. The trades of the mountains are represented with traditional elements such as ice pits, lime kilns, and traditional crops.

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Phone: ---
Address: Carrícola 46869 Valencia
Email: ---
Open holidays: No