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We present the sports tourism program that combines: Pilates, Yoga and BodyArt in natural surroundings of the municipalities of Vall d'Albaida and l'Alcoià and el Comtat.
-Segons la Llei 2/2011, of March 22, of the Generalitat, of the Esport i l'Activitat física de la CV. All participants must sign up to be covered by insurance, www.valldalbaida.comwww.lamancomunitat.org
-Carry water, steal, blindcatifa and adequate calçat.
-The naturbalance will start from the location and the advertised time. Horari disabtes i diumenges from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
-Naturbalance includes: music, three sports modalities (Pilates, Yoga and BodyArt), monitors and insurance.
-Cal anar with own vehicles.
-Qualsevol activitat pot undergo modifications d'last minute.
-The organization is not responsible for the damages that maymay not occur.
-In the case of pluja, a tancat space will be enabled to continue endavant l'activitat.
-People who reserve plaça and do not attend will not be able to reserve plaça de nou.
-Cal fer a registration per person and activity.
-You can cancel the registration after three days.
For more information:
Vall d'Albaida: turisme@mancovall.com 962 389 091
Alcoià-Comtat: www.lamancomunitat.org turismo@lamancomunitat.org 682 771 764
Department of Tourism of the Mancomunitat de la Vall d'Albaida
Department of Tourism of the Mancomunitat de l'Alcoià- Comtat
Masters d'Ontinyent School
Vall d'Albaida Town Halls
Town Halls of l'Alcoià and el Comtat
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